IMHO (having owned/owning over 20 various pieces) solid, well made and reliable guns.
Charter arms serial numbers serial number#
Bspillman,My current data base indicates that your UNDERCOVER was most likely made in mid to late 1974 - from the serial number - probably closer to the end of the year.Test the lock-up - I think you be pleasantly surprised how solid these pieces are.Make sure it's empty - pull trigger full stroke dropping hammer, hold trigger back and take a good grip on the cylinder - try for side-to-side wobble and fore and aft shake - anything? 8 groove rifling and unbreakable beryllium-copper alloy firing pin, shortest hammer throw and fewest moving parts of all the snubbies made during that time period. >- Läpinäkyvä polyetyleenihylsy- H-kiekko / Huopatulppa- Alkuperäinen Brenneke Classic haulikontäyteinen huopatulpalla.Tilauksen lisäksi tarvitsemme kopion aseluvastasi tai patruunan hankkimisluvasta sekä. Klassinen metsästystäyteinen huopatulpalla käytettäväksi kaikissa tavanomaisissa haulikoissa aina 50 m:n etäisyyteen asti. Where I hunted, western NYS was "shotgun only territory"untill recently therfore the research I did. IIRC 1" high at 50 yd would be 1 or 2" low at 100yd. Sabot type slugs did not work Federal Truball slugs worked for me as did the cheaper Brenneke slugs Be thinking about 1 1/2" groups yds.Slug 20 Gauge 2.75" 3/4 oz Slug Shot 5 Bx/ 50 Cs Out of Stock Brenneke SL4103M Magnum 410 Gauge 3" 1/4 oz Slug Shot 5 Bx/ 90 Cs Out of Stock Brenneke SL122CLM Classic Magnum 12 Gauge 2.75" 1-1/8 oz Slug Shot 5 Bx/ 50 Cs Out of Stock Brenneke SL202KO K.O.In either case you get huge holes and lots of blood. My gun like Winchester rifled slugs best but if the Brennekes shot the best I'd use them instead. I love using full bore sized slugs, whether they are Brenneke or foster slugs. Seeing the difference between buckshot and slugs I've never looked back except for the buckshot in my home defense gun.Why stake your hunt on inferior shotgun slugs? When the buck of a lifetime steps out at 150 yards, squeeze the trigger with confidence.Ĭhapter 2 visual 1 motion diagrams answers A close examination of big game record books quickly reveals one strikingly consistent fact the overwhelming majority of trophy book whitetails are found in shotgun slug-only states.

Just wanted to have an idea before I start shooting. I would like ballistics out to 200 yards if anyone has them. Im probably going to set my zero at 100 yards. I'm looking for some ballistics for Remington Accutip Slugs, 20 gauge, 2 3/4, 260 grain. Two years ago I had trouble finding the felt wadded slugs and bought the Black Magic slugs offered by Brenneke. Never had an issue with them and they are plenty accurate in the 1100. Ive been shooting the older style felt wad Brenneke 2 3/4 inch slugs in my 12 ga.smoothbore slug barreled 1100 for close to 30 years.Item Description: Translate description Brenneke 12 Gauge 2 3/4'', 1oz, Red Magic Slug Sabot, 35 Rounds Information & Special Terms PLEASE READ: This auction company has requested and been granted access to see all bids placed including any maximum pre-bids. 9" upon penetration-Muzzle Velocity: 1650 FPS. offers 58% more frontal area than standard.

410 picked because its optional 10 round magazines make it also useful for self-defense. Brenneke slugs work with rifles and smooth bores, but rifling would make shot loads ineffective and defeat the point of having a universal survival gun.